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Frozen Bank Accounts

By Law Office of Abel L. Pierre, Attorney at Law, P.C.

As the holidays roll through and temperatures drop throughout the country, the local ponds and lakes are not the only things that are getting frozen. If you have an unpaid judgment against you, then you might encounter the unwelcome surprise of a frozen bank account.

Bank accounts are usually frozen when a person has a judgment entered against them in a court of law. Usually this happens as a result of unpaid or unknown credit card bills or medical bills. Most of the time, the individual did not even know that he or she was being sued. Once the default judgment is entered, the creditors will often tack on extraordinary penalties and send the judgment to your bank.

In many states, once the bank receives a copy of the judgment, they can hold twice the amount of the judgment. There is also a deadline by which you have to resolve the judgment or else the bank will send your money to the credit card company.

If this happens to you, the best thing to do is to contact an experienced debt attorney like Abel L. Pierre. We have vacated many judgments for clients. We will need to sign and file the necessary papers with the Civil Court asking them to vacate the judgment. During this process, we can also work out a affordable payment plan or, sometimes, get the entire case dismissed.

As in anything in life, you can try to go it alone, but the lawyers for the collection agencies are very aggressive and sly. They will have you sign papers in which you will waive many important rights that you have. Plus, you want to make sure that the judgment is completely vacated or erased, not just satisfied.

If your bank account is frozen do not hesitate, call or email Abel L. Pierre, Esq. today!
