If you are being sued for an old credit card or medical debt collection, then you had better hurry up and retain an attorney to file an answer. The cost may not be as high as you think. The cost of not answering at all may be more expensive if the collection agency and their collection lawyer obtains a judgment against you.
Once you file an answer, the race against the clock does not stop there. The debt collector now has a deadline that they may comply with in order to file a reply. There are also different court documents that your lawyer can send to the bill collector’s lawyer. You and your attorney would review the case to determine which document is best. Your attorney may send written demands or subpoenas for different types of information.
After your attorney sends out these documents, the bill collector now has deadlines running against them! They have to comply with these deadlines or else your lawyer can ask the court to dismiss the case. These deadlines and obligations will run until your attorney negotiates a viable settlement or the case is dismissed or goes to trial. Many times debt collectors have a difficult time meeting these deadlines, so many debt collection cases are dismissed based on this factor alone!
If you received notice that you are being sued by a debt collector, then call the Law Office of Abel L. Pierre, Attorney at Law, P.C. We can simplify the process to you and do our best to prevent the bill collector from getting a judgment against you. Contact us today!